• Dry Eye & Blepharitis

Get radiant eye health with our exclusive range of Blepharitis Treatments at Mosspark Opticians. Harnessing cutting-edge medical technology and a wealth of expertise, our treatments offer unparalleled relief and rejuvenation for your delicate eyelids. Experience the soothing touch of our tailored therapies, meticulously crafted to combat the symptoms of blepharitis, from irritation to inflammation. Our team of dedicated professionals utilise gentle yet effective techniques, ensuring your eyes receive the care they deserve.

Step into a world of clarity and comfort as our bespoke treatments restore balance to your ocular ecosystem. Rediscover the joy of bright, clear vision with Mosspark Opticians' Blepharitis Treatments– your pathway to revitalised eye health. Let your eyes sparkle with vitality once more. Book your appointment today!

Specialised Dry Eye Blepharitis Treatment

Experience relief and rejuvenation with our specialised treatment for Dry Eye Blepharitis at Mosspark Opticians. Our dedicated team of optometrists employs advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to provide personalised care tailored to your unique needs.

Don't let Dry Eye Blepharitis hold you back. Take the first step towards revitalised eyesight by scheduling a consultation with our experienced team today. Unlock the potential for brighter, healthier eyes with Mosspark Opticians.

Revitalize Your Eyes with Expert Blepharitis Treatments

We specialise in providing comprehensive care and treatment for individuals
suffering from dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye syndrome occurs when there is a chronic lack of sufficient moisture and lubrication on the surface of the eye. This can cause discomfort, irritation, redness, and sometimes even vision problems.

Visit our Dry Eye Clinic at Mosspark Opticians for specialised care tailored to alleviate discomfort and restore ocular health. Our dedicated team offers innovative treatments to soothe irritated eyes and improve tear film stability, ensuring lasting relief and enhanced vision clarity. Say goodbye to dryness with our Dry Eye Clinic!

Our Dry Eye Clinic offers Relief for your Irritated Eyes!

At our clinic, we have a team of experienced eye care professionals who are dedicated to helping patients find relief from their dry eye symptoms. We follow evidence-based approaches to diagnose and treat dry eye syndrome effectively.

During your visit, our team will perform a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying causes of your dry eye symptoms. Based on this assessment, we will then develop a personalised treatment plan as shown.

  • Using over-the-counter or prescription eye drops to lubricate the eyes and alleviate dryness.

  • Prescribing medications that can help stimulate tear production or reduce inflammation.

  • Inserting tiny plugs into the tear ducts to block tear drainage and retain moisture on the eye's surface.

  • Recommending changes to your environment or daily habits that may be exacerbating dry eye symptoms.

  • Suggesting dietary supplements that may support overall eye health and lubrication.

Get in touch

We also emphasise the importance of ongoing management and follow-up care. Dry eye syndrome is typically a chronic condition that requires regular monitoring and adjustments to treatment plans as needed.

Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards finding relief from your dry eye symptoms.


Children's Eyecare


Myopia Management